This funny animated kitten will read any text you enter in a funny voice. Up to 300 symbols. Only English supported for now.
If you enter long text, give the kitten several seconds to prepare for reading the text or enter a shorter text.
You can change voice pitch and reading speed. Adjust the settings - and tap Read again.
You can input the text to speak manually or you can just copy and paste it. The kitten can read your love confessions, math problems, mottos, and funny short stories, even portions of official documents in a funny voice.
Besides, you can dress your cute kitten in funny hats and beautiful jewelry (bracelets and necklaces). You can decorate the screen with flowerpots and make bright animated butterflies fly over the screen.
After you dress your kitten the way you like, post a picture of your beautiful kitten to your Facebook or Twitter account for all your friends to see.:)